Abide In Jesus

This is something  I found in a comment on You Tube and it’s so good I wanted to share and hope that it benefits someone like it has me.
They are depicting the times we live in and are pointing (hopefully to relationship with Christ and not just saying a prayer to go to heaven and to escape what’s coming just based on what I’ve seen in this clip) to Christ. It’s coming and to keep the peace Christ gave us when He came to live in us is to abide in His love for you. Abide (Greek: meno): to remain, to continue in His love. It’s easy to fall into the theological sense that “Jesus loves me, this I know.” But it’s very different when you take time (abide) and receive His love for you daily. When you just simply thank Him for His love for you and for the cross, fear starts to get pushed out by the perfect love that you are receiving. That’s why the literal version of the scripture “be ye filled with the Holy Spirit” is actually translated from “be being filled” meaning, you are already full, but keep filling up because thats when you overflow with what’s in your cup for you and for the people around you. And in the place of being filled, your perspective changes cause you are renewing your mind like the Bible says with what God says about you and all the sudden you are being transformed, not by your own efforts, but by the mighty hands of Gods grace. All because you are agreeing with Him now and not your flesh and the world. And then you start living different towards the people you particularly didn’t like before and are all the sudden finding mercy for them that you didn’t have before because you’ve taken that time to “abide” in His love for you. He is full of love and wants to fill you with that same love of His. He doesn’t want us going into this as scared Christians pretending to be brave by bearing arms. He wants us laying down our lives now so that when this does come, we won’t fear death because we’ve already died to this life anyways and have come to the confident hope of what’s beyond, which is glory forever with Christ. Don’t let the devil deceive you with fear. If you are scared, you have to take the time to realize His love for you on your own, when nobody else is watching, just you and Him. You can’t keep listening to other people tell you that He loves you. His voice has to become real for yourself before you’ll be any benefit to the kingdom of God and others and that comes by reading the word and meditating on it. Take time to just soak in Gods magnificent love. It’s taking the plank out of your own eye first so you can see clearly to remove the speck from your brothers. In Jesus name.


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